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Katie Spotton

May 14, 2024
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Speed, Trust, and Collaboration: Working on the Adonis Engineering Team

Speed, Trust, and Collaboration: Working on the Adonis Engineering Team

When speaking with potential new team members, we’re often asked what it’s like to work on a fast-paced engineering team at a tech startup.

We figured the best way to answer this was to have our team do the talking! We spoke with 3 members of our engineering team about their experience at Adonis and how it compares to teams they’ve been a part of in the past. Here are the core values they feel our Engineering team emulates:

Speed and Agility

Faisal Animashaun, Senior Software Engineer at Adonis, made a point to highlight how quickly Adonis’ engineering team operates in comparison to past teams that he has been on.

“Adonis’ engineering moves a lot faster than other engineering teams that I have been part of in the past. We’re a small but mighty team that iterates very quickly but in a safe manner. We commit early with an eye toward reversibility and maintainability.” - Faisal Animashaun

Trust and Competency 

Adam Hamot, Senior Software Engineer at Adonis, likened his coworkers to a pro sports team. He highlighted that the trust given to one another across the organization is what makes the culture at Adonis stand out for him.

“Working at Adonis feels like playing for a professional sports team in that everyone is extremely competent and at the top of their class for their respective role. There is so much trust given to one another across the company that I feel empowered to make whatever decisions I believe are needed for the company to succeed in the long term.” - Adam Hamot

Company-Wide Collaboration

One of the newest members of the Adonis team, Qian Shi, a Senior Machine Learning Engineer, described the collaborative culture she has experienced in her first few weeks at Adonis.

“At Adonis, our collaborative culture isn’t just a buzzword - it’s ingrained in everything we do. In just four weeks, I’ve experienced the remarkable blend of talent and humility that characterize our team. Our products stand as proof of the seamless collaboration among all departments - engineers, products, sales and beyond - crafted with precision in our fast-paced, highly productive environment.” - Qian Shi

Join the Team

If speed, trust, and collaboration are on your must-have checklist for evaluating a new role, you might find what you’re looking for at Adonis. Check out our careers page to see our open roles, and reach out if you’d like to learn more!

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